Body by Skin Theory truSculpt® iD and Accufit™ Package


Body by Skin Theory truSculpt® iD and Accufit™ Package

This package includes 1 session of truSculpt® iD + 4 sessions Accufit for the abdomen.

Get rid of your stubborn fat and build muscles with the power of truSculpt® iD and Accufit™

truSculpt® iD is a revolutionary, non-invasive body sculpting treatment that can help you achieve the body you’ve always wanted – without surgery.

Accufit™ is an innovative technology that uses targeted muscle activation to help you build muscle mass and increase metabolism. You can achieve the same results in a vigorous full-body workout in as little as 30 minutes. Plus, our customizable sessions allow you to focus on your specific areas of concern.

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