How to Look Thinner on Zoom
With more and more of our interfacing with friends, coworkers and family happening through Zoom, Instagram, and Facetime, staring at our own faces up close constantly (and critically), one common concern is how to look great online, and for many of us, specifically how to look thinner on zoom.

With the reality that camera lenses can make us look bigger and that we are recorded on close-up every time we attend a video conference, this matter makes almost everyone conscious of how they appear on the screen.
Though we only face a few colleagues on regular occasions, the recordings are sometimes broadcasted publicly, presented to the entire population that has internet access.
Others might find this trivial, but it’s actually important to be presentable in the virtual platform because it’s the only means of being identified in the absence of in-person interaction. The brand and image we build for ourselves are dependent on how we appear on camera.
Often, our virtual image is the sole representation of our existence in our workspace. No matter what your job description is, your video conference camera works the same. This makes our appearance on camera a matter of importance.
The following are the tricks and treatments that you can take note of to learn how to look thinner on zoom or in any virtual conferencing platform for that matter:
Tricks to Look Thinner on Zoom
Tip number one for how to look thinner on zoom can easily be accomplished by using camera tricks to make your appearance flattering during a video conference call. Here are some of these tricks:
Place your camera at the right angle. Camera placement can easily make a difference with your appearance on the screen. You will get the best angle if you will place the camera at eye level. The bird’s-eye view from above will never flatter you unless you’re extremely good-looking.

Placing the camera lower than your face at an upward angle emphasizes any neck or chin sagging. If that isn’t bad enough, you might even try to place your camera at a higher level, capturing a wider angle of your forehead while emphasizing the size of your nose.
The eye-level placement is the best one for you regardless of the shape of your face. You will be clearly seen by everyone without emphasizing unflattering features or even magnifying them.
Sit at a slight angle. Your face is not the only thing that matters when you want to look thinner on zoom. Your body placement plays a role even if most of it stays hidden during a video conference. How you sit and face the camera matters.

Once you have placed the camera at eye level, you need to adjust the way you project yourself in front of it. Most of us face the camera directly when we take pictures. Sometimes, we even slightly lean backward. These things don’t help if your aim is to look thinner on zoom.
Directly facing the camera and leaning backward makes your face look wider since the camera captures the entire width of your face literally from ear to ear.
A 45-degree angle from the camera can make all the difference. It will project a slimmer two-dimensional version of you because you are limiting the “space” that the camera captures.
When it comes to leaning back, that angle makes your belly and double chin prominent. This happens when we are too conscious of the camera. So, sit straight.
Instead of leaning back, look straight and press your shoulders back. Not your head, but your shoulders. This will help make you look slimmer and will emphasize your neck. On top of that, you will look more confident.
Tilt your forehead forward. How you place your head when you pose for the camera makes a difference, too. You will look thinner on zoom and facetime if you slightly tilt your forehead forward. This camera trick is used often by photographers.

The effect of head placement on still photos is the same when it comes to video conferencing. How can head placement alter your image?
When you slightly tilt your head forward, it can make your face appear longer instead of round. Also, the angle can hide the excess fat below the jaw and the double chin. When these are concealed, your face will look smaller than usual.
Choose dark and fitted clothing. The clothes that we wear also contribute to our overall appearance in zoom. They can make you look thinner, and they don’t work the same when we wear clothes outdoors.

When we face the camera, vertical stripes, catchy prints, loud colors, and baggy clothes will make us look wider. Though they work well to make us look presentable when we wear them outdoors, the camera space is too limited so that they can make us look bigger on-screen.
These designs were supposed to distract the eyes from our body shape when we present ourselves outdoors. However, when we are in a limited space like a camera frame, they grab the focus of people towards the part of your body that can be seen on-screen instead of you.
Dark and fitted clothing is the best choice when you want to look thinner on zoom. Dark colors create a visual illusion of a smaller space. When your clothes are dark and fitted, they will create an illusion that your body is smaller than usual.
If you can’t always wear dark and fitted clothes, you can opt for clothes that don’t draw attention. Simple designs or none at all are good choices, too. You can also choose neutral colors but not light-colored ones.
These clothing color and design choices will help you look thinner on zoom, and online in general, since they will not grab too much attention, and your spectators will focus on your face at the best angle you’ve planned.
Take advantage of makeup and an angled beard. Makeup and beard are also tricks that can help you improve your appearance on zoom. For women, contouring is a skill that you can easily learn from all the makeup tutorials online.

The use of shade and shadow in contouring helps conceal or at least minimize the areas of your face that you think need reduction. You can also highlight the areas of your face that can help make it look smaller.
A slimmer face is not a problem on camera when you know how to use your makeup properly. You can use makeup to drastically improve your appearance as you see fit, especially during a video conference.
With men, the same thing goes for an angled beard. This can hide a double chin and contour the jawline when well-trimmed. Beards can make your face appear longer even if you have a round one.
Kybella Treatment To Look Thinner- Kybella Reduces Chin Fat Deposits
We have already discussed the tricks that you can easily use to immediately look thinner on zoom. However, if you want to go beyond camera angles, contours, and clothing and make changes to really reduce fat deposits, sags, facial lines and wrinkles, without surgery, read on..
Here is one aesthetic treatment that can really help you look thinner not only online but also in person.
Kybella. Since your face takes up a lot of space in the camera frame, it’s understandable that we might want to reduce the part of it that makes us look fat – the double chin. Kybella is the non-invasive and fast treatment you need for this.
It’s also more affordable than other procedures, so you can easily set aside an amount for this treatment.
This procedure works through a series of injections under the jaw that eliminates the fat cells making up your double chin through the natural metabolic processes of your body. You can easily see the difference after two sessions, with half of the fat reduced.
After completion, you can expect a 70% reduction of the fat cells that are making you look older and bigger on-screen and in real life. Who needs a better camera angle if you already look great, right?
Other than Kybella, there are more aesthetic treatments that can help you, not just your face, but also your body to look slimmer and healthier.
There are facial fillers for contouring and wrinkle reduction. There are skin treatments for crystal clear smooth skin that reduce scars and brown spots.
Knowing how to look thinner on zoom or in any virtual conferencing platform can help build your confidence and personal branding.
Of course, we should also take good care of our health and actual appearance too. Believing that we look our best boosts confidence and it has been proven that it actually helps us do a better job at whatever task we are undertaking.
Skin Theory, the top local aesthetics med spa, is here to help you with looking your best. You can check out all of our services through our website or call us at 951-735-5570.